What is emotional eating?!
Each day we experience a wide range of emotions, often struggling to understand their significance. Emotions like fear, love, anger, sadness, and joy can intertwine, making it challenging to identify and interpret them accurately.
Negative emotions can sometimes leave us feeling empty or emotionally void. As a result, we may turn to food as a means to fill that void and experience a temporary sense of "fullness" or wholeness. However, comprehending how our emotions influence our food choices is not a simple task. Specifically, when burdened by feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression, we tend to make poorer food choices. We may seek solace in food, using it as a means to self-soothe or numb and alleviate negative emotions.
Exercising willpower can be difficult, especially in stressful situations. It is crucial to develop the ability to shift our thoughts and discover alternative methods of soothing ourselves. By implementing a circuit breaker technique, we can create a physical distraction and encourage new ways of thinking.
Here are a few suggestions you can try as effective circuit breakers:
Hydrate Yourself: Grab a glass of water and drink it mindfully. This simple act can help redirect your focus and provide a momentary pause from emotional eating.
Take a Short Walk: Step outside and take a brief stroll around the block. The fresh air and change of scenery can help clear your mind and alleviate stress.
Enjoy a Cup of Tea: Prepare a soothing cup of tea, allowing its warmth to comfort you. The act of brewing and savoring the tea can provide a sense of relaxation.
Engage in Physical Activity: Perform 20 squats or engage in any form of physical exercise that suits your preferences. Moving your body helps release endorphins, which can uplift your mood and provide a healthier outlet for emotional energy.
Connect with a Friend: Reach out to a trusted friend for a conversation. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone who understands can be immensely comforting and offer valuable perspective.
Engage in Oral Hygiene: Take a break and go brush your teeth. The act of cleaning your teeth not only promotes oral health but also provides a pause in your routine, allowing you to refocus your thoughts.
Understanding the impact of emotions on our food choices is a complex process. However, by implementing circuit breaker techniques and exploring alternative coping mechanisms, we can begin to break free from the cycle of emotional eating. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your emotional well-being and seek healthier ways to manage and understand your emotions.
A TED talk on emotional eating that may interest you:
A Podcast: https://www.rlmedicine.com/podcast/episode41